
Choose Wonder Over Worry

“It wasn’t my feelings that were the problem, I discovered. It was my relationship to them.” ~Choose Wonder Over Worry

choose wonder over worry

Choose Wonder Over Worry by Amber Rae: 3/5 Stars


From the powerhouse Mind Body Green calls “the Brené Brown of Wonder” comes a self-help book that will reframe the way we look at ourselves and the world, and help us reach our full potential.

“Amber Rae is the Elizabeth Gilbert of her generation.” —Stacy London, New York Times bestselling author of The Truth about Style

WONDER is what we’re born with.
WORRY is what we learn.

Why do we hold back from pursuing what matters most? Why do we listen to the voice inside our head that tells us we’re not good enough, smart enough, or talented enough? How can we move beyond the fear and doubt that prevents us from creating a life that reflects who we truly are?

CHOOSE WONDER OVER WORRY is your official invitation to face your fears, navigate your discomfort, and rewrite the “worry myths” in your mind that keep you from being your best and truest self.

Journey with inspirational speaker and artist AMBER RAE as she connects you with your voice of worry and wonder, teaches you to listen to your emotions rather than silence them, and encourages you to seize your dreams. Through a thoughtful blend of vulnerability, soulfulness, and science, Amber Rae guides you in expressing the fullness of who you are and the gifts you’re here to give.

You don’t have to be held back by Worry when Wonder awaits you every moment of every day.

My Review:

I received a free e-copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. As y’all know I like to be honest about all the books I read! :p

I thought this book had a lot of good things in it and I liked that Amber included a lot of personal things because it helps to connect more. I also liked that there were journal prompts, I thought that was very clever and a good way to help what she was talking about really sink in.

Let’s talk about a few things I wasn’t too fond of…or more so the things that made this a three-star read for me. I felt like a lot of what Amber said was repetitive…and I understand being a little repetitive to get the point across but it became a little overkill in this book. I mean you pick up this book knowing what it’s about there’s no need to pound it into my head throughout the entire thing that I need to worry less.

I don’t think the writing in this book was anything amazing, I’m not saying it was bad though. She’s a good writer I just don’t think it was noteworthy or anything. I felt sometimes it could get a little jumbled, but it wasn’t like that the entire book so it’s not too big of a problem.

I also didn’t take a lot away from this book. I was hoping to be able to take something away and kind of grow, but it left me feeling just meh about it. I mean there are some really good points and some great advice, but none of it was new or helpful at least for me. I think there were definitely some things in the book that I needed to hear, but overall it wasn’t groundbreaking for me.

I really did love that Amber was so honest. Like by the end of this book I was happy for her and proud of her. I think it was amazing for her to share so many things that others wouldn’t dream of and to be able to tell her story a little. I think she did a really good job and I think she’s amazing for writing this book. No one is perfect and this book isn’t perfect but nothing is 100% perfect.

I think she makes a lot of good points but it one of those things that you probably already heard it or know it. However, this is a book that if you are looking to for someone to tell you that you shouldn’t worry so much and that you should love yourself then you’ll probably enjoy this book. I mean I enjoyed it and it was a very uplifting read that I needed so I don’t dislike or hate this book at all. 🙂

Overall I would recommend this book to someone who thinks they need it or need some encouragement. It’s a good book and it’s very positive. It’s also eye-opening depending on what you’re looking for in your life right now or just where you’re at in your life.

I’m very thankful for having the chance to read and review this book. 🙂

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